Fan Engagement

The Sensape Allstars Experience:

Customers that trust us:

Flexible solutions for your interactive sales project:

User Flow

Your Key Benefits

Drive to Location – Let your visitor be your Ambassador

Your visitor has an awesome experience and an easy way to share this experience into his network. That is so much better than any Ad, peer to peer promotion of your location! And a win for everyone invovled

Validated numbers: Up to 90,000 photos uploaded a year lead to 55,000 shares or up to 61% of uploaded photos get shared.1

Promote and sell – Your star is your best promoter

You bring your visitor in a happy mood, offering him / her a unique experience. Also you have their attention on the big screen and on their phone. Good Mood + Attention, perfect time to place your offer garnished with the vibe of your stars.

Hook up your CRM- A great start to a long term relationship

Caring about your visitors pays off. Give them a free experience and at the moment where you handover the digital image, ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. The newsletter allows you many more digital touch-points and opportunities to spread your offers.

Validated numbers: Between 40% – 83% of photo uploads lead to a newsletter subscription. 90,000 uploads –> 74,900 subscriptions per year2

Sharing user generated content, stars as promoters and connection to the CRM – Your sponsors will be on fire

The applications generates a lot of spaces that can be given or sold to sponsors. From simple adaptions of the photo-frame, product placements in the app and fully customized microsites including a newsletter subscription pop up there is much to gain for sponsors and a simple way to finance your visitor attraction.

Our solutions for your business:

  1. Numbers are examples taken from a customer between 01 January 24 – 01 August 24 and extrapolated to a full year. Numbers in your case will depend on the amount of passers-by, and the attractiveness of your brand and stars. ↩︎
  2. Numbers are examples taken from a customer between 01 January 24 – 01 August 24 and extrapolated to a full year. Numbers in your case will depend on the amount of passers-by, and the attractiveness of your brand and stars. ↩︎