
The Sensape Portal Experience:

Customers that trust us:

Flexible solutions for your interactive sales project:

User Flow

Your Key Benefits

Immersive brand experience and product promotion. With your own unique AR world.

Address potential customers personally and specifically increase the reach of your campaign? With augmented reality, that’s no problem. Face elements, animations and branded AR worlds in 3D design generate fun and user-generated content. We go one step further! Our AI can recognize personas you define and respond to them individually.

With our Sensape Portal solution you are able promote your brand and products in a memorable and personal way to costumers and stand out from the crowd.

Emotionalze your product

You will get a real eye-catcher for your customers’ interactive brand experiences. A customized, interactive AR world and playful communication will get across your company’s message. By targeting and personalizing purchase incentives, we will create a special kind of customer activation for you where your customer becomes the main character.

The individual and playful communication of information emotionalizes your brand in a special way and is suitable for cross-media lead generation.

Be the highlight at events, retail and elsewehere!

Caring about your visitors’ attention? Give them a free experience and a digital image or video to share and take home. This will surely be a highlight at events, fairs, your shop or elswhere.

Validated numbers: 18,000-42,000 sharings of photos with your brand. Every 5th potential customer engages with our customized advertisement solutions for over 10 seconds.1

Our solutions for your business:

  1. Numbers are examples taken from a customer between 01 August 23 – 26 April 24 and extrapolated to a full year. Numbers in your case will depend on the amount of passers-by, and the attractiveness of your brand and stars. ↩︎