Privacy Policy

Information about the processing of personal data
According to Art. 12 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are obliged to inform you about the processing of your data when using our website. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. This privacy policy informs you about the details of the processing of your data and your legal rights.We reserve the right to make changes to the privacy policy with future effect, especially in the case of the development of the website, the use of new technologies or the change of the legal basis or the corresponding case law.We recommend that you read the privacy policy from time to time and include a printout or copy in your records.

Scope of application
The privacy policy applies to all pages of – it does not extend to any linked websites or internet sites of other providers.

Responsible controller
The controller responsible for the processing of personal data within the scope of this privacy policy is:
Sensape GmbH
Spinnereistrasse 7
04179 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 3929 8552

Questions about privacy
If you have any questions about privacy with regard to our company or our website, you can contact our data protection officer:
Spirit Legal LLP Rechtsanwälte
Lawyer and Data Protection Officer
Peter Hense
Mailing address:
Data protection officerc/o Sensape GmbH, Spinnereistrasse 7, 04179 Leipzig
Contact via encrypted online form: Contact data protection officer

We have made extensive technical and organisational arrangements to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, misuse, loss and other external interference. We regularly review our security measures and adapt them to the state of the art.

Your rights
You have the following rights vis-a-vis us with respect to the personal data relating to you:
• Right to information (Art. 15 GDPR),
• Right to correction (Art. 16 GDPR) or deletion (Art. 17 GDPR),
• Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR),
• Right to object to processing (Art. 21 GDPR),
• Right to revoke your consent (Art. 7 (3) GDPR),
• Right to receive the data in a structured, common, machine-readable format (“data portability”) as well as the right to transfer the data to another controller if the requirements of Art. 20 (1) (a) (b) GDPR are met (Art. 20 GDPR).You may assert your rights by notifying us under the contact details specified in the “Responsible controller” section or the data protection officer designated by us.You also have the appeal to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by us (Art. 77 GDPR).

Use of the website, access data
In principle, you can use our website for purely informative purposes without disclosing your identity. When retrieving the individual pages of the website in this sense, only access data is transmitted to our web space provider, so you can view the website. This comprises the following data:
• Browser type / browser version,
• Operating system used,
• Language and version of the browser software,
• Host name of the accessing terminal,
• IP address,
• Website from which the request comes,
• Content of the request (concrete page),
• Date and time of the server request,
• Access status / HTTP status code,
• Referrer URL (the previously visited page),
• Transferred amount of data,
• Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The temporary processing of the IP address by the system is necessary in order to technically enable delivery of the website to your computer. Processing of your IP address for the duration of the session is required. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.The access data is not used to identify individual users and is not merged with other data sources. The access data is deleted if it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of its processing. In the event of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when you finish the visit to the website.The collection of the data for the provision of the website and the processing of the data in log files is essential for the operation of the website. You can object to the processing. Your right of object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing. You can send us your objection via the contact details in the “Responsible controller” section.

In addition to the aforementioned access data, so-called cookies are stored in the Internet browser of the device you are using when you use the website. These are small text files with a sequence of numbers, which are stored locally in the cache of the browser used. Cookies do not become part of the PC system and cannot execute programs. They serve to make our website user-friendly. The use of cookies may be technically necessary or for other purposes (e.g. analysis / evaluation of website use).

a) Technically necessary cookies
Some elements of our website require that the retrieving browser be identified even after a page break. The following data is processed in the cookies:
• Language settings,
• Log-in information.The user data collected through technically necessary cookies will not be processed to create user profiles. We also use so-called “session cookies”, which store a session ID with which various requests from your browser can be assigned to the shared session. Session cookies are necessary for the use of the website. In particular, we can use them to recognise the device used when you return to the website. We use such cookies to recognise you on subsequent visits to the website, if you have an account with us; otherwise you would have to sign up each time you visit again. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We use session cookies to make using the website more attractive and effective. The session cookies are deleted as soon as you log out or close the browser. Most browsers are pre-set to automatically accept cookies. You can object to the processing of your data through cookies. Your right of object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing.By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can disable or restrict the transmission of cookies. Already saved cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are disabled for our website, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the website to the full.

b) Technically non-necessary cookies
In addition, we use cookies on the website that enable an analysis of users’ browsing behaviour. The following data, for example, is processed in the cookies:
• Frequency of page views,
• Use of website features.These cookies are used to make the use of the website more efficient and attractive. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The technically non-necessary cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period, which may differ depending on the cookie.You can object to the processing of your data through cookies. Your right of object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). If you do not want cookies to be used, you have the ability to block the setting of cookies generally or selectively or to remove already stored cookies by changing the browser settings. You can also have a corresponding notice displayed before setting a cookie. If you change the browser settings for the use of cookies or to disable cookies, the functionality of this website may be limited.Insofar as we include third-party cookies in our website, we will inform you separately in the following.

Contacting our company
When contacting our company, e.g. by e-mail or via the contact form on the website, the personal data you have provided will be processed by us to answer your request.For the processing of inquiries via the contact form on the website, it is absolutely necessary to provide a name / pseudonym, a valid e-mail address and a telephone number[A2] , At the time of sending the message to us, the following data will also be processed:
• IP address,
• Date / time of registration.The legal basis for the processing is Art. (1) (f) GDPR or Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR if the establishment of contact is aimed at concluding a contract. If the specification of your data is necessary for contract conclusion, in the case of non-provision of the data, conclusion of the contract or the execution or processing of the request may not be possible.The processing of the personal data from the input mask serves us only to process the contact. In the event of contact via email, the required legitimate interest in the processing of the data also lies herein. The other personal data processed during the sending process serves to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our information technology systems.In this context, there will be no transfer of data to third parties. The data is processed solely for processing the conversation. We delete the data in this connection after the processing is no longer necessary or limit the processing to compliance with the existing legally binding retention requirements. You have the opportunity to object to the processing of your personal data for contact requests at any time. Your right to objection exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). A right of objection exists in particular, if the processing is not necessary for the fulfilment of a contract with you, which is presented by us in the preceding description of the functions. In such a case, the processing of the request may not be continued. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing. You can send us your objection via the contact details in the “Responsible controller” section.

Processing and disclosure of personal data for contractual purposes
We process your personal data if and to the extent necessary for the initiation, establishment, execution and/or termination of a legal transaction with our company.  The legal basis for this arises from Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. If the data processing is necessary for conclusion of a contract, in the event of non-provision, the conclusion of the contract, the execution and/or the termination of a legal transaction with our company may be impossible. After the purpose has been achieved (e.g. contract settlement), the personal data will be blocked or deleted for further processing, unless we are entitled to further storage and processing required in the respective context on the basis of your consent (e.g. consent to the processing of the e-mail address for sending electronic advertising mail), a contractual agreement, a legal authorisation (e.g. authorisation to send direct advertising) or due to legitimate interests (e.g. retention for the enforcement of claims).The transfer of your personal data takes place to the extent that
• It is necessary for the establishment, execution or termination of legal transactions with our company (e.g. in the transfer of data to a payment service provider / a shipping company for the execution of a contract with you), (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR), or
• A subcontractor or vicarious agent, which we use exclusively in the context of providing the services you require, requires this data (such auxiliary persons are, unless you are expressly informed otherwise, entitled to process the data only to the extent that this is necessary for the provision of the offer or service), or
• There is an enforceable official order (Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR), or
• There is an enforceable court order (Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR), or
• We are obliged by law (Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) to do so, or
• The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or any other natural person (Art. 6 (1) (d) GDPR), or
• It is necessary for the performance of a task which is in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority (Art. 6 (1) (e)), or
• We are authorised or even obliged to transfer data to pursue our prevailing legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).Any further disclosure of your personal data to other persons, companies or agencies will not take place unless you have effectively consented to such a disclosure. The legal basis of the processing is then Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

Usage of “Google reCAPTCHA”
We use “Google reCAPTCHA” (hereinafter referred to as “reCAPTCHA”) on our websites. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).reCAPTCHA is used to verify whether data input on our websites (e.g., in a contact form) is done by a human or an automated program. To achieve this, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of website visitors based on various characteristics. This analysis begins automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the website. Various pieces of information, such as the IP address, the duration of the website visitor’s stay on the website, or mouse movements made by the user, are evaluated for analysis purposes. The data collected during the analysis is forwarded to Google. The reCAPTCHA analyses take place entirely in the background. Website visitors are not informed that an analysis is taking place.Data processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting their web offerings from abusive automated spying and spam. For more information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s privacy policy, please refer to the following links: Google Privacy Policy and Google reCAPTCHA Information

We use external hosting services that provide the following services: Infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage resources and database services, security and technical maintenance services. The provider will process all data necessary for the operation and use of our website.We use external hosting services for the operation of this website. With the use of external hosting services we aim for an efficient and secure provision of our website. The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.The collection of data for the provision and use of the website and the processing of the data via external web hosts is essential for the operation of the website. You can object to the processing. Your right to objection exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). You can send us your objection via the contact details in the “Responsible controller” section. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing.

Integration of third-party content
The website includes third-party content such as videos, maps, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites. This integration always requires that the providers of this content (“third party”) see the IP addresses of the users. This is because without the IP address it can not send the contents to the browser of the respective user. The IP address is therefore required for the presentation of this content.We endeavour to use only content from third parties who processes the IP address solely to deliver the content. However, we have no influence on it, if the third-party providers process the IP addresses, e.g. for statistical purposes. We will explain this to you below insofar as we are aware of this happening.Some of the third parties may process data outside the European Union.You can object to this by installing a JavaScript blocker such as the browser plugin ‘NoScript’ ( or disabling JavaScript in your browser. Your right to objection exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). However, this may result in functional restrictions on the website.

Google reCAPTCHA
We use “Google reCAPTCHA” (below: “ReCAPTCHA”) on our website. The provider of the service is Google.reCAPTCHA is used to check whether the data entry on the website (e.g. in a contact form) is done by a human or by an automated program. To do this, reCAPTCHA analyses the behaviour of the website visitor based on various characteristics. This analysis begins automatically as soon as the user accesses the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, time spent by the website visitor on the website or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis will be forwarded to Google. Google also processes your personal data in the US and has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield,, You can see this certification of Google under The reCAPTCHA analyses are completely in the background. You are not advised that an analysis is taking place.Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in protecting our websites from abusive automated spying and unwanted e-mail advertising (SPAM). We are not aware of the storage duration of reCAPTCHA and have no influence on it.For more information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s privacy policy, please refer to the following links: and have the opportunity to object to the processing of your data at any time. Your right to objection exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). A right to objection exists in particular, if the processing is not necessary for the fulfilment of a contract with you, which is presented by us in the preceding description of the functions. In such a case, the processing of the request may not be continued. You can send us your objection via the contact details in the “Responsible controller” section. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing.Google Web FontsWe use so-called web fonts, which are provided by Google, for the uniform representation of fonts. When you visit a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.To do this, the browser you use must connect to Google’s servers. As a result, Google is made aware that our website has been accessed via your IP address. Google also processes your personal data in the US and has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield,, You can see this certification of Google under The use of Google Web Fonts is in the interest of a consistent and attractive presentation of our online services. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We do not know about the retention period on Google and we can not influence it.More information about Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy: You can object to the processing by changing the browser settings so that the browser does not support web fonts – but then a default font will be used by your computer. Your right to objection exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection, on the basis of which we may continue the processing.

We have integrated YouTube videos into our website, which are stored on  from our website. These are all integrated in the “extended data protection mode”, about yo as a user will be transmitted to YouTube, if you do not click on the videos to start playing them. Only when you play the videos the data referred to in the next paragraph will be transferred to YouTube. We have no influence on this data transfer.By visiting the website, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. his is independent of whether YouTube provides a user account through which you are logged in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in toGoogle, your information will be directly associated with your account. If you do not wish to be associated with your profile on YouTube, you must log out before activating the button. YouTube stores your data as user profiles and uses them for purposes of advertising, market research and/or demand-oriented design of its website. Such evaluation takes place in particular (even for unlogged-in users) to provide demand-oriented advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, whereby you must contact YouTube to exercise this right.For more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by YouTube, please refer to the privacy po There you will also find further information about your rights and setting options to protect your privacy: to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
Google Maps
This website also uses Google’s “Google Maps” service to display maps or map sections, allowing you to conveniently use the map feature on the website.By visiting the website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. In addition, the data mentioned in the “Access Data” section will be transmitted to Google. This is done regardless of whether Google provides an account that you are logged in to, or if there is no user account. When you are logged in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not want to associate with your profile on Google, you must log out before activating the button.Google stores your data as usage profiles and processes it for purposes of advertising, market research and/or tailor-made website design. Such an evaluation is done in particular (even for non-logged-in users) to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website.The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The processing serves to make our website more attractive and to offer you additional service. We do not know about the retention period on Google and we can not influence it.For more information on the purpose and scope of processing by the plug-in provider, please refer to the privacy statements of the provider. You will also find more information there about your related rights and settings options to protect your privacy:

Transfers to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
For more information about the terms of service of Google Maps, please see have a right to object to the processing. Your right to object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can disable or restrict the transmission of cookies. Already saved cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are disabled for our website, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the website to the full.

Services for statistical, analytical and marketing purposes
We use third-party services for statistical, analytical and marketing purposes. In this way, we are able to provide you with a user-friendly, optimised use of the website. The third parties use cookies to control their services (see the “Cookies” section earlier). Personal data will not be processed unless otherwise stated below.Some of the third-party providers offer the possibility to declare a direct objection to the use of the respective service, e.g. by setting an opt-out cookie. If you activate a corresponding opt-out cookie, the external provider will no longer process any data on your usage behaviour. Merely selective objection to an individually selected selection of external services is also possible. If you change the browser or the used device or if you delete all cookies, you have to set the opt-out cookie again.Furthermore, you can also directly object to the use of cookies on the opt-out platform of the Federal Association Digital Economy e.V. (BVDW) under or via the deactivation page of the Network Advertising Initiative under Your right to object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). Further information on usage-based advertising and the opt-out options are also available at the following link: We inform you about the services of external providers currently used on our website as well as about the purpose and scope of the respective processing in individual cases and about your existing options for objecting.

LiveChat’s chat functions
We utilize the communication services/chatbot provided by LiveChat, offered by LiveChat, Inc. located at 101 Arch Street, 8th Floor, Boston MA 02110, United States of America. LiveChat offers the capabilities to meet users’ expectations by enabling faster and more direct communication with Sensape, as well as processing your inquiries promptly. With LiveChat, you can send and receive messages via live chat, email, SMS, or push notifications. To make this possible, contact information about users needs to be synchronized with LiveChat through an interface. When you use the chat window, not only your chat messages but also your IP address will be stored by us. Providing your name is not mandatory for the chat. For more information, please refer to LiveChat’s privacy policy:

Transfers to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
Google Analytics
To optimally align our website with your interests, we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies” (see the section “Cookies” above), which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information about your use of this website is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and processed there.If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on our website activities, and to provide us with other services related to website activity and Internet usage.The IP address transmitted by Google Analytics within the framework of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data provided by Google.This website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp ()”. As a result, IP addresses are processed in shortened form so reference to particular persons can be excluded. As far as the data collected about you has a personal reference, it is immediately excluded and the personal data deleted immediately.We use Google Analytics to analyse and regularly improve the use of our website. The statistics allow us to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user.

Transfers to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
.The legal basis for the processing of Google Analytics is Art. (f) GDPR. The Analytics cookies are deleted after fourteen months at the latest.Further information from the third-party provider Google can be found at:,, You have the right to object. You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full. Your right to object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). In addition, you may prevent the collection by Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link.:
Google Ads
This website also uses functions provided by the online web service Google Ads offered by Google, including conversion tracking. Conversion tracking uses cookies that will be stored on your device when you click a Google sponsored ad. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not contain personal data. It does not allow the personal identification of the user. While the cookie is active, Google and the website operator can see when a user clicks the ad and is sent to this site.Conversion statistics for Ads customers contain the total number of users who have clicked an ad and were sent to a site that has a conversion tracking tag. The cookies of each Ads customer are different, which means they cannot be tracked via the websites of Ads customers. The cookie placement necessary for conversion tracking can be switched off using the browser setting that disables automatic acceptance of cookies or by blocking cookies from the domain. The legal basis for the processing of Google Ads is Art.(f) GDPR. More information on this topic and Google’s data privacy policy can be found at:,

Google Remarketing
This website uses the remarketing function Google Remarketing. By visiting our website the service stores information about the products you visit on our website and the by which websites of third parties you came to our website. Afterwards visiting a third party website, the service might show you customized advertisement for you. The legal basis for the processing of Google Ads is Art. (f) GDPR.

Transfers to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
You have the right to object. You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full. Your right to object exists for reasons arising out of your particular situation, unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for the assertion and exercise of or defence against legal claims (Art. 21 (1) GDPR). In addition, you may prevent the collection by Google of the data generated by the cookie by opening the following link and deactivate the cookie.More information on this topic and Google’s data privacy policy can be found at:

Facebook Remarketing – Custom Audiences / Facebook Pixel
This website uses the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” of Facebook Inc. Road Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Facebook”) in order to contact you again within 3 months. This allows users of the website to see interest-based advertisements (“Facebook ads”) when visiting the social network Facebook or other websites in the Facebook advertising network that also use this tool, including Instagram. When you are visiting certain websites certain cookies might be saved on your device. The cookies are stored permanently on your device. By integrating Facebook Custom Audiences, Facebook receives the information that you have landed on our website, or that you have clicked on one of our advertisements. We use Facebook Custom Audiences to optimzie our our advertisements. The purposes serves our legitimate interests in data processing.The legal basis for the processing of Google Ads is Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR.

Transfers to third countries are possible. As an appropriate safeguard standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR apply. More information on this topic is published here:
The “Facebook Custom Audiences” function can be deactivated for logged in users at
More information on this topic and Facebook’s data privacy policy can be found at: